Reinforce Your Community
Encouraging the local church to look beyond their walls - to connect with the community - and become the GO-TO organization in the city/town where you serve.
There are essentially three main areas that any church should focus on when it comes to the community...
1. The neighborhood where the church resides
2. The town/city where the church serves, this includes schools
3. The Marketplace - Businesses and non-profits serving the community
In many ways, this focuses on outreach planning. We have resources that will not only be a catalyst for those in your church to share Christ, but will connect your church to businesses in your community. We also can help guide your church, its leadership and congregation to get involved with the town / city where you live. The town or city the church/ministry serves should look no further than the local churches that exist there to help provide for the needs of the community.
It was once said to me, that a city or town cannot exist without churches, schools and banks. Well, you are the church and there is a community surrounding your location; schools are all around you (the next generation needs to be reached for Christ); and banks represent the marketplace - the three areas of outreach.
We would love an opportunity to share these resources with you. Contact Us here to find out more.